11. Timetable Mode

11.1. Introduction

The timetable concept is not a replacement for the activity definition, but is an alternative way of defining both player and computer-controlled (AI and Static) trains.

In an activity, the player train is defined explicitly, and all AI trains are defined in a traffic definition. Static trains are defined separately.

In a timetable all trains are defined in a similar way. On starting a timetable run, the required player train is selected from the list of available trains. In the timetable definition itself, no distinction is made between running trains – any of the running trains can be selected as player train, and if not selected as such they will be run as AI trains. Static trains are also defined in the same way but cannot be selected as the player train.

As a result, the number of different ‘activities’ that can be played using the same timetable file is equal to the number of trains which are defined in the timetable.

The development of the timetable concept is still very much a work in progress. This document details the state as it is at the moment, but also includes items yet to be produced, or items which have yet to be developed further.

To distinguish between these items, the following styles are used in the description of timetable mode.

Items shown in black italics are available but only in a provisional implementation, or in a limited context. Further development of these items is still required.

Important aspects where the use of specific OR or MSTS items for timetables differs significantly from its use in an activity are shown in bold.

Apart from the items indicated as above, it should be realised that as work continues, all items are still subject to change.

11.2. General

11.2.1. Data definition

The timetable data is defined in a Spreadsheet, and saved as a *.csv file (character separated file) in Unicode format. As the separation character, either ‘,’ (comma) or ‘;’ (semi-colon) must be used.

Do not select space or tab as the separation character.

As ‘;’ or ‘,’ are possible separation characters, these symbols must not be used anywhere within the actual data. Enclosure of text by quotes (either single or double) has no effect. Also, the character ‘#’ should not be used in train names, since it is the prefix for reserved words in the Timetable.

11.2.2. File structure

The saved *.csv files must be renamed with the extension *.timetable_or. The timetable files must be placed in a subdirectory named OpenRails created in the route’s Activities directory.

11.2.3. File and train selection

When starting a timetable run, the mode Timetable is selected in the menu. The desired timetable file must then be selected in the Timetable set display.

After selecting the required timetable, a list of all trains contained in that timetable is displayed and the required train can be selected.

Season and weather can also be selected; these are not preset within the timetable definition.

11.3. Timetable Definition

11.3.1. General

A timetable consists of a list of trains, and, per train, the required timing of these trains. The timing can be limited to just the start time, or it can include intermediate times as well.

At present, intermediate timings are limited to ‘platform’ locations as created using the MSTS Route Editor.

Each column in the spreadsheet contains data for a train and each row represents a location. A cell at the intersection of a train and location contains the timing data for that particular train at that location.

Special rows and columns can be defined for general information or control commands.

The first row for each column contains the train definition.

The first column for each row contains the location definition.

The cell at the intersection of the first row and first column must be empty.

This paragraph only lists the main outline, a fuller detailed description will follow in the next paragraphs.

11.3.2. Column definitions

A column is defined by the contents of the first row.

Default, the first row defines the train name.

Special columns can be defined using the following syntax :

  • #comment: column contains comment only and is ignored when reading the timetable.

  • <blank>: column is extension of preceding column.

11.3.3. Row definitions

A row is defined by the contents of the first column.

Default, the first column defines the stop location.

Special columns can be defined using the following syntax :

  • #comment: row contains comment only and is ignored when reading the timetable

  • <blank>: row is extension of row above

  • #path: defines train path

  • #consist: defines train consist

  • #start: defines time when train is started

  • #note: defines general notes for this train

  • #dispose: defines how train is handled after it has terminated

11.3.4. Timing details

Each cell which is at an intersection of a train column and a location row, can contain timing details for that train at that location.

Presently, only train stop details can be defined. Later on, passing times will also be defined; these passing times can be used to determine a train’s delay.

Control commands can be set at locations where the train stops, but can also be set for locations where no timing is inserted as the train passes through that location without stopping.

11.4. Timetable Data Details

11.4.1. Timetable Description

Although #comment rows and columns are generally ignored, the contents of the cell at the intersection of the first #comment row and first #comment column is used as the timetable description and appears as the timetable’s name in the Open Rails menu.

11.4.2. Train Details

The train name as defined in the first row must be unique for each train in a timetable file. This name is also used when referencing this train in a train command; see details below.

The sequence of trains is not important.

11.4.3. Location Details

At present, the possible locations are restricted to ‘platforms’ as defined in the MSTS Route Editor.

Each location must be set to the ‘Station Name’ as defined in the platform definitions.

The name used in the timetable must exactly match the name as used in the route definition (*.tdb file), otherwise the location cannot be found and therefore cannot be processed.

Also, each location name must be unique, as otherwise its position in the train path could be ambiguous.

The sequence of the locations is not important, as the order in which the stations are passed by a train is defined in that train’s path. For the same reason, a train’s path can be set to just run in between some of the locations, or be set to bypass certain stations.

11.4.4. Timing Details

Each cell at an intersection of train and location can contain the timing details of that train at that location.

Times are defined as HH:mm, and the 24-hour clock must be used.

If a single time is inserted it is taken as the departure time (except at the final location).

If both arrival and departure time are to be defined, these must be separated by ‘-‘.

Additional control commands can be included. Such commands can also be set for locations where the train does not stop and therefore has no timing details, but the train must pass through that location for the commands to be effective.

Although a location itself can be defined more than once in a timetable, it is not possible to define timing details for trains for a location more than once. If a train follows a route which takes it through the same location more than once, the train must be ‘split’ into separate train entries.

11.4.5. Special Columns

  • #Comment column.

    A column with the #comment definition in the first row is a comment column and is ignored when reading the timetable, except for the cell at the intersection of the first comment column and the first comment row.

  • <Blank> column.

    A column with a blank (empty) cell in the first row is taken as a continuation of the preceding column. It can be used to insert control commands which apply to the details in the preceding column. This can be useful when timings are derived automatically through formulas in the spreadsheet as inserting commands in the timing cell itself would exclude the use of such formulas.

11.4.6. Special rows

  • #Comment row.

    A row with the #comment definition in the first column is a comment row and is ignored when reading the timetable, except for the cell at the intersection of the first comment column and the first comment row.

  • <Blank> row.

    A row with a blank (empty) cell in the first column is taken as a continuation of the preceding row.

  • #Path row.

    The #path row defines the path of that train. The path must be a *.pat file as defined by the MSTS Activity Editor or by Trackviewer, and must be located in the route’s Path directory. This field is compulsory.

    The timetable uses the same paths as those defined for activities.

    However, waiting points must not be defined in paths for use in timetables as the processing of waiting points is not supported in the timetable concept. Waiting points within a timetable must be defined using the specific control commands.

    The #path statement can take a qualifier: /binary.

    Large timetables can require many paths, and loading those paths can take considerable time (several minutes). To reduce this loading time, the paths can be stored in a processed, binary format. This format is the same as used in the ‘save’ command. Note that the binary path information cannot be directly accessed by the user, either for reading or for writing. When /binary is set, the program will check if a binary path exists. If so, it will read that path. If not, it will read the ‘normal’ path, and will then store this as binary for future use. Binary paths are stored in a subdirectory named OpenRails which must be created in the Paths directory of the route.


    • If a path is edited, the binary version must be deleted manually, otherwise the program will still use this older version.

    • If a route is edited, such that the .tdb might have been changed, all binary paths must be deleted.

  • #Consist row

    The #consist row defines the consist used for that train. This field is compulsory.

    However, if the train is run as an AI train and it is ‘formed’ out of another train (see below), the consist information is ignored and the train uses the consist of the train out of which it was formed.

    For the player train, the consist is always used even if the train is formed out of another train. The consist definition must be a *.con file as defined by the MSTS Activity Editor or by the TSRE5 consist editor, and must be stored in the defined consist directory.

    Also a more complex syntax of the consist definition is possible, as described below.

    This allows a consist definition to be not just a single string directly referring to a file, but a combination of strings, with the possibility to use (part of) the consist in reverse.

    The general syntax is:

    consist [$reverse] [+ consists [$reverse] [+ ...] ]

    Example: a loco-hauled train, using the same set of coaches, running in both directions. Two consists are defined: c_loco and c_wagons. The consist definitions which can now be used are:

    c_loco + c_wagons, and for reverse:

    c_loco $reverse + c_wagons $reverse

    Please note that $reverse always applies only to the sub-consist with which it is defined, not for the complete combined consist.

    If this train sometimes has some additional wagons, e.g. during rush hours, the consists can be defined as follows (with c_add the definition of the additional wagons):

    c_loco + c_wagons + c_add, and for reverse:

    c_loco $reverse + c_add $reverse + c_wagons $reverse

    Clearly, this can save on the definition of the total required consists, and in particular saves the tedious task of having to define ‘reverse’ consists. When using multiple units, this is even more useful.

    Suppose there are two sets of multiple units, running either as single trains or combined. Normally, six different consists would be required to cover all trains, but now only two will suffice : set_a and set_b. The various combinations are:

    set_a, reverse set_a $reverse.

    set_b, reverse set_b $reverse.

    set_a + set_b, reverse set_b $reverse + set_a $reverse.

    Consist strings which contain ‘+’ or ‘$’ can be used in timetables but must be enclosed by < >. For instance :


  • #Start row

    The #start row defines the time at which the train is started. It must be defined as HH:mm, and the 24 hour clock must be used. This field is compulsory.

    Use of start time for AI trains :

    • When a train is formed out of another train and this other train is included to run in the timetable, the time defined in #start is only used to define when the train becomes active.

    Use of start time for player train :

    • The time as defined in #start is normally used as the start time of the timetable ‘activity’.

    If a train is formed out of another train and this train is included in the timetable, then if this train is delayed and has not arrived before the defined start time, the starting of this train is also delayed until the train out of which it is formed has arrived. This applies to both AI and player train. This means that the start of the player activity can be delayed.

    For details on starting and running of trains around midnight see the paragraph below.

    The #start field can also contain the following command:

    $create[=<time>] [/ahead=<train>]

    The $create command will create that train at the time as indicated. If no time is set, the train will be created before the start of the first train. The train will be ‘static’ until the time as set as start time. The normal rules for train placement still apply, so a train cannot be placed onto a section of track already occupied by another train.

    However, storage sidings often hold multiple trains. To allow for this, and to ensure the trains are stored in proper order (first one out up front), the parameter [/ahead=<train>] must be used.

    The train will now be placed ahead of the referenced train, in the direction of the train’s path. Multiple trains can be stored on a single siding, but care must be taken to set the proper references. The reference must always be to the previous train - two trains cannot reference the same train in the /ahead parameter as that would cause conflict.

    If the total length of all trains exceeds the length of the sidings, the trains will ‘spill out’ onto whatever lies beyond.

    Note that a train referenced in an /ahead parameter must be created before or at the same time as the train which uses that reference.

  • #Note row

    The #note row can be used to defined control commands which are not location related but apply to the full run of the train. It can also be used to set commands for trains which do not stop at or pass through any defined location. This row is optional.

    The following commands can be inserted in the #note field of each train:


    These commands set multiplication factors for the acceleration ($acc) and deceleration ($dec) values used for that train.

    The program uses average acceleration and deceleration values for all trains (different values for freight, passenger and high speed trains). But these values are not always adequate, especially for modern trains. This can lead to delays when trying to run to a real life timetable.

    Using the $acc and $dec commands, the values used can be modified. Note that these commands do not define an actual value, but define a factor; the default value will be multiplied by this factor. However, setting a higher value for acceleration and deceleration does not mean that the trains will always accelerate and decelerate faster according to the set value. Most of the time, the train behaviour is controlled through the physics. But especially the $dec factor does have an important side effect. The deceleration value is also used to calculate the expected required braking distance. Setting a higher deceleration will reduce the required braking distance, allowing the train to continue to run at maximum allowed speed for longer distances. This can have a significant effect on the timing. Take care, though, not to set the value too high - the calculated braking distance must of course be sufficient to allow for proper braking, otherwise the train cannot stop in time resulting in SPADs etc.

    A typical value for modern stock for the $dec command is 2 or 3.

  • #Dispose row

    The #dispose row defines what happens to an AI train when it has reached the end of its run, i.e. it has reached the end of the defined path. The information in the #dispose row can detail if the train is to be formed into another train, and, if so, how and where. For details see the commands as described further down.

    This row is optional and if included, the use per train is also optional. If the row is not included or the field is not set for a particular train, the train is removed from the activity after it has terminated.

    The #dispose row presently does not affect the end of the run for the player train.

11.4.7. Control commands General

Control commands can be set to control train and signaling behaviour and actions. There are four sets of commands available:

  • Location commands

  • Train control commands

  • Create commands

  • Dispose commands Command syntax

All commands have the same basic syntax. A command consists of:

  • Syntax name : defines the control command.

  • Syntax value : set the value related to the command. Not all commands take a value.

  • Syntax qualifiers : adds additional information to the command. Not all commands have qualifiers. Some qualifiers may be optional but others may be compulsory, or compulsory only in combination with other qualifiers.

  • Syntax qualifier values : a qualifier may require a value

Command syntax:

$name = value /qualifier=value

Multiple values may be set, separated by ‘+’. Note that any qualifiers always apply to all values. Train Reference

Many commands require a reference to another train. This reference is the other train’s name as defined in the first row. Location Commands

Location commands are:


These commands are also available as train control commands and are detailed in that paragraph. Train control commands

All available train control commands are detailed below.

These commands can be set for each timing cell, i.e. at each intersection of train column and location row. The commands will apply at and from the location onward (if applicable).

Some commands can also be set in the #note row, in which case they apply from the start of the train. These commands are indicated below by an asterisk (*) behind the command name

The commands $hold and $nosignalwait can also be set as location commands.

$hold, $nohold and $forcehold

If $hold is set, it defines that the exit signal for that location must be held at danger up to 2 minutes before train departure.

An exit signal is allocated to a platform if this signal is beyond the end platform marker (in the direction of travel), but is still within the same track node - so there must not be any points etc. between the platform marker and the signal.

By default, the signal will not be held.

If set per location, it will apply to all trains, but can be overridden for any specific train by defining $nohold in that train’s column. If set per train, it will apply to that train only.

$forcehold will set the first signal beyond the platform as the ‘hold’ signal, even if this signal is not allocated to the platform as exit signal. This can be useful at locations with complex layout where signals are not directly at the platform ends, but not holding the signals could lead to delay to other trains.


This will allow a train to ‘call on’ into a platform occupied by another train.

For full details, see the discussion above on the relationship between signalling and timetable.


Syntax : $connect=<train> /maxdelay=n /hold=h

Defines that a train is to wait at a station until another train has arrived, so as to let passengers make the connection between the trains.

The train will be timetabled to allow this connection, and the $connect command is set to maintain this connection if the arriving train is running late.

Note that the $connect command will not lock the signal. If the paths of this train and the arriving train conflict before the arriving train reaches the station, additional $wait or $hold commands must be set to avoid deadlock.

Command value: reference to train which is to be waited for, this is compulsory.

Command qualifiers :

/maxdelay=n : n is the maximum delay (in minutes) of the arriving train for which this train is held.

If the delay of the arriving train exceeds this value the train will not wait. The maximum delay is independent from this train’s own delay.

This qualifier and its value are compulsory.

/hold=h : h is the time (in minutes) the train is still held after the other train has arrived, and relates to the time required by the passengers to make the connection.

This qualifier and its value are compulsory.

$wait *

Syntax : $wait=<train> /maxdelay=n /notstarted /owndelay=n

Defines that a train is to wait for the referenced train to allow this train to proceed first. The referenced train can be routed in the same or the opposite direction as this train itself. A search is done for the first track section which is common to both trains, starting at the location where the $wait is defined, or at the start of the path if defined in the #note row.

If the start location is already common for both trains, then first a search is done for the first section which is not common to both trains, and the wait is applied to the next first common section beyond that.

If the wait is set, the section will not be cleared for this train until the referenced train has passed this section. This will force the train to wait. The referenced train must exist for the wait to be valid.

However, if /notstarted is set, the wait will also be set even if the referenced train has not yet been started. This can be used where the wait position is very close to the start position of the referenced train, and there is a risk that the train may clear the section before the referenced train is started.

Care should be taken when defining a $wait at a location where the train is to reverse. As the search is performed for the active subpath only, a $wait defined at a location where the train is to reverse will not be effective as the common section will be in the next subpath after the reversal. In such a situation, the train should be ‘split’ into two separate definitions, one up to the reversal location and another starting at that location.

Command value : referenced train, this is compulsory.

Command qualifiers :

/maxdelay=n: n is the maximum delay (in minutes) of the referenced train for which the wait is still valid.

This delay is compensated for any delay of the train which is to wait, e.g. if maxdelay is 5 minutes, the referenced train has a delay of 8 minutes but this train itself has a delay of 4 minutes, the compensated delay is 4 minutes and so the wait is still valid.

This parameter is optional, if not set a maxdelay of 0 minutes is set as default.

/notstarted: the wait will also be applied if the referenced train has not yet started.

/owndelay=n (n is delay in minutes); the owndelay qualifier command makes the command valid only if the train in question is delayed by at least the total minutes as set for the owndelay qualifier.

This can be used to hold a late-running train such that is does not cause additional delays to other trains, in particular on single track sections.

$follow *

Syntax : $follow=<train> /maxdelay=n /owndelay=n

This command is very similar to the $wait command, but in this case it is applied to each common section of both trains beyond a part of the route which was not common. The train is controlled such that at each section where the paths of the trains re-join after a section which was not common, the train will only proceed if the referenced train has passed that position. The command therefore works as a $wait which is repeated for each such section.

The command can only be set for trains routed in the same direction. When a wait location is found and the train is due to be held, a special check is performed to ensure the rear of the train is not in the path of the referenced train or, if it is, the referenced train has already cleared that position. Otherwise, a deadlock would result, with the referenced train not being able to pass the train which is waiting for it.

Command value: referenced train, this is compulsory.

Command qualifiers:

/maxdelay=n: n is the maximum delay (in minutes) of the referenced train for which the wait is still valid. This delay is compensated by any delay of the train which is to wait, e.g. if maxdelay is 5 minutes, the referenced train has a delay of 8 minutes but this train itself has a delay of 4 minutes, the compensated delay is 4 minutes and thus the wait is still valid.

This parameter is optional, if not set a maxdelay of 0 minutes is set as default.

/owndelay=n (n is delay in minutes): the owndelay qualifier command makes the command valid only if the train in question is delayed by at least the total minutes as set for the owndelay qualifier.

This can be used to hold a late-running train such that is does not cause additional delays to other trains, in particular on single track sections.

$waitany *

Syntax : $waitany=<path> /both

This command will set a wait for any train which is on the path section as defined.

If the qualifier /both is set, the wait will be applied for any train regardless of its direction, otherwise the wait is set only for trains heading in the same direction as the definition of the path.

The path defined in the waitany command must have a common section with the path of the train itself, otherwise no waiting position can be found.

This command can be set to control trains to wait beyond the normal signal or deadlock rules. For instance, it can be used to perform a check for a train which is to leave a siding or yard, checking the line the train is to join for any trains approaching on that line, for a distance further back than signalling would normally clear, so as to ensure it does not get into the path of any train approaching on that line.

With the /both qualifier set, it can be used at the terminating end of single track lines to ensure a train does not enter that section beyond the last passing loop if there is another train already in that section as this could lead to irrecoverable deadlocks.



$waitsignal $nowaitsignal

Normally, if a train is stopped at a station and the next signal ahead is still at danger, the train will not depart. But, there are situations where this should be overruled.

Some stations are ‘free line’ stations - that is, they are not controlled by signals (usually small halts, without any switches). The next signal probably is a ‘normal’ block signal and may be some distance from the station. In that situation, the train does not have to wait for that signal to clear in order to depart.

Other situation are for freight trains, light engines and empty stock, which also usually do not wait for the signal to clear but draw up to the signal so as to take as little as time as possible to exit the station.

The $nowaitsignal qualifier can be set per station (in the station column), or per train. If set per station, it can be overruled by $waitsignal per train.


The $terminal command changes the calculation of the stop position, and makes the train stop at the terminating end of the platform. Whether the platform is really a terminating platform, and at which end it terminates, is determined by a check of the train’s path.

If the platform is in the first section of a train’s path, or there are no junctions in the path leading up to the section which holds the platform, it is assumed the train starts at a terminal platform and the end of the train is placed close to the start of the platform.

If the platform is in the last section if the path or there are no junctions beyond the section which holds the platform, it is assumed the platform is at the end of the train’s path and the train will run up to near the end of the platform in its direction of travel.

If neither condition is met, it is assumed it is not a terminal platform after all, and the normal stop position is calculated.

The $terminal option can be set for a station, or for individual trains. If set for a station it cannot be overruled by a train.

However, because of the logic as described above, if set for a station which has both terminal platforms as well as through platforms, trains with paths continuing through those platforms will have the normal stop positions.

11.4.8. Dispose Commands

Dispose commands can be set in the #dispose row to define what is to be done with the train after it has terminated. See special notes below on the behaviour of the player train when it is formed out of another train by a dispose command, or when the player train itself has a dispose command.


Syntax : $forms=<train> /runround=<path> /rrime=time /setstop

$forms defines which new train is to be formed out of this train when the train terminates. The consist of the new train is formed out of the consist of the terminating train and any consist definition for the new train is ignored. The new train will be ‘static’ until the time as defined in #start row for that train. This means that the new train will not try to clear its path, signals etc., and will not move even if it is not in a station.

If the incoming train is running late, and its arrival time is later as the start time of the new train, the start of the new train is also delayed but the new train will immediately become active as soon as it is formed.

For locomotive-hauled trains, it can be defined that the engine(s) must run round the train in order for the train to move in the opposite direction. The runround qualifier needs a path which defines the path the engine(s) is to take when performing the runround. If the train has more than one leading engine, all engines will be run round. Any other power units within the train will not be moved.

For specific rules and conditions for runround to work, see discussion on the relationship between signalling and the timetable concept.

If runround is defined, the time at which the runround is to take place can be defined. If this time is not set, the runround will take place immediately on termination of the incoming train.

Command value : referenced train, this is compulsory.

Command qualifiers:

/runround=<path>: <path> is the path to be used by the engine to perform the runround.

This qualifier is optional; if set, the value is compulsory.

/rrtime=time: time is the definition of the time at which the runround is to take place. The time must be defined in HH:mm and must use the 24 hour clock.

This qualifier is only valid in combination with the /runround qualifier, is optional but if set, the value is compulsory.

/setstop: if this train itself has no station stops defined but the train it is to form starts at a station, this command will copy the details of the first station stop of the formed train, to ensure this train will stop at the correct location.

For this qualifier to work correctly, the path of the incoming train must terminate in the platform area of the departing train.

This qualifier is optional and takes no values.


Syntax : $triggers=<train>

$triggers also defines which new train is to be formed out of this train when the train terminates.

However, when this command is used, the new train will be formed using the consist definition of the new train and the existing consist is removed.

Command value : referenced train, this is compulsory.


Syntax : $static

The train will become a ‘static’ train after it has terminated.

Command value : none.



$stable /out_path=<path> /out_time=time /in_path=<path> /in_time=time /static /runround=<path> /rrtime= time /rrpos=<runround position> /forms=<train> /triggers=<train>

$stable is an extended form of either $forms, $triggers or $static, where the train is moved to another location before the related command is performed. In case of /forms or /triggers, the train can move back to the same or to another location where the new train actually starts. Note that in these cases, the train has to make two moves, outward and inward.

A runround can be performed in case /forms is defined.

If /triggers is defined, the change of consist will take place at the ‘stable’ position. Any reversal(s) in the inward path, or at the final inward position, are taken into account when the new train is build, such that the consist is facing the correct direction when the new train is formed at the final inward position.

The $stable can be used where a train forms another train but when the train must clear the platform before the new train can be formed to allow other trains to use that platform. It can also be used to move a train to a siding after completing its last duty, and be ‘stabled’ there as static train.

Separate timings can be defined for each move; if such a time is not defined, the move will take place immediately when the previous move is completed.

If timings are defined, the train will be ‘static’ after completion of the previous move until that required time.

If the formed train has a valid station stop and the return path of the stable command (in_path) terminates in the area of the platform of the first station stop of the formed train, the ‘setstop’ check (see setstop qualifier in $forms command) will automatically be added

Command value : none.

Command qualifiers :

/out_path=<path>: <path> is the path to be used by the train to move out to the ‘stable’ position. The start of the path must match the end of the path of the incoming train.

/out_time = time: time definition when the outward run must be started. Time is defined as HH:mm and must use the 24 hour clock.

/in_path=<path>: <path> is the path to be used by the train for the inward run from the ‘stable’ position to the start of the new train. The start of the path must match the end of the out_path, the end of the path must match the start of the path for the new train.

/in_time = time: time definition when the inward run must be started. Time is defined as HH:mm and must use the 24 hour clock.

/runround=<path>: <path> is the path to be used by the engine to perform the runround. For details, see the $forms command definition of the time at which the runround is to take place. The time must be defined in HH:mm and must use the 24 hour clock.

/rrtime=time: time is the definition of the time at which the runaround is to take place. The time must be defined in HH:mm and must use the 24 hour clock.

/rrpos = <runround position>: the position within the ‘stable’ move at which the runround is to take place.

Possible values:

  • out: the runround will take place before the outward move is started.

  • stable: the runround will take place at the ‘stable’ position.

  • in: the runround will take place after completion of the inward move.

/static: train will become a ‘static’ train after completing the outward move.

/forms=<train>: train will form the new train after completion of the inward move. See the $forms command for details.

/triggers=<train>: train will trigger the new train after completion of the inward move. The train will change to the consist of the new train at the ‘stable’ position. See the $triggers command for details.

Use of command qualifiers :

In combination with /static:

  • /out_path: compulsory

  • /out_time: optional

In combination with /forms:

  • /out_path: compulsory

  • /out_time: optional

  • /in_path: compulsory

  • /in_time: optional

  • /runround: optional

  • /rrtime: optional, only valid if /runround is set

  • /rrpos: compulsory if /runround is set, otherwise not valid

In combination with /triggers :

  • /out_path: compulsory

  • /out_time: optional

  • /in_path: compulsory

  • /in_time: optional

11.5. Additional Notes on Timetables

11.5.1. Static Trains

A static train can be defined by setting $static in the top row (e.g. as the ‘name’ of that train). Consist and path are still required - the path is used to determine where the consist is placed (rear end of train at start of path). No start-time is required. The train will be created from the start of the timetable - but it cannot be used for anything within a timetable. It cannot be referenced in any command etc., as it has no name. At present, it is also not possible to couple to a static train - see below for details.

Note that there are some differences between timetable and activity mode in the way that static trains are generated. In activity mode, the train is an instance of the Train class, with type STATIC.

In timetable mode, the train is an instance of the TTTrain class (as are all trains in timetable mode), with type AI, movement AI_STATIC. This difference may lead to different behaviour with respect to sound, smoke and lights.

11.5.2. Processing of #dispose Command For Player Train

When the player train terminates and a #dispose command is set for that train to form another train (either $form, $trigger or $stable), the train will indeed form the next train as detailed, and that next train will now be the new player train. So the player can continue with that train, for instance on a return journey.

On forming the new train, the train will become ‘Inactive’. This is a new state, in which the train is not authorized to move.

Note that the F4 Track Monitor information is not updated when the train is ‘Inactive’. The Next Station display in the F10 Activity Monitor will show details on when the train is due to start. The train will become ‘active’ at the start-time as defined for the formed train. For information, the Activity Monitor window shows the name of the train which the player is running.

11.5.3. Termination of a Timetable Run

On reaching the end of a timetable run, the program will not be terminated automatically but has to be terminated by the player.

11.5.4. Calculation of Running Delay

An approximate value of the delay is continuously updated. This approximation is derived from the booked arrival time at the next station. If the present time is later as the booked arrival, and that difference exceeds the present delay, the delay is set to that difference. The time required to reach that station is not taken into account.

This approximation will result in better regulation where /maxdelay or /owndelay parameters are used.

11.5.5. No Automatic Coupling

There is logic within the program which for any stopped train checks if it is close enough to another train to couple to this train. It is this logic which allows the player train to couple to any static train.

However, this logic contains some actions which do not match the processing of timetable trains. Therefore this has now been disabled for timetable mode. Presently, therefore, coupling of trains is not possible in timetable mode except for runround commands in dispose options.

Also uncoupling through the F9 window could be disabled in the near future for timetable mode. In due course, new attach/detach functions will be included in the timetable concept to replace the existing functions.

11.5.6. Signalling Requirements and Timetable Concept General

The timetable concept is more demanding of the performance of the signalling system than ‘normal’ activities. The main reason for this is that the timetable will often have AI trains running in both directions, including trains running ahead of the player train in the same direction as the player train. There are very few activities with such situations as no effort would of course be made to define trains in an activity which would never be seen, but also because MSTS could not always properly handle such a situation.

Any flaws in signalling, e.g. signals clearing the path of a train too far ahead, will immediately have an effect on the running of a timetable.

If signals clear too far ahead on a single track line, for instance, it means trains will clear through passing loops too early, which leads to very long waits for trains in the opposite direction. This, in turn, can lead to lock-ups as multiple trains start to converge on a single set of passing loops.

Similar situations can occur at large, busy stations - if trains clear their path through such a station too early, it will lead to other trains being kept waiting to enter or exit the station.

If $forms or $triggers commands are used to link reversing trains, the problem is exacerbated as any delays for the incoming train will work through on the return working. Call On Signal Aspect

Signalling systems may allow a train to ‘call on’, i.e. allow a train onto a section of track already occupied by another train (also known as permissive working).

The difference between ‘call on’ and ‘permissive signals’ (STOP and PROCEED aspects) is that the latter is also allowed if the train in the section is moving (in the same direction), but ‘call on’ generally is only allowed if the train in the section is at a standstill.

When a signal allows ‘call on’, AI trains will always pass this signal and run up to a pre-defined distance behind the train in the section.

In station areas, this can lead to real chaos as trains may run into platforms occupied by other trains such that the total length of both trains far exceeds the platform length, so the second train will block the ‘station throat’ stopping all other trains. This can easily lead to a complete lock-up of all traffic in and around the station.

To prevent this, calling on should be blocked in station areas even if the signalling would allow it. To allow a train to ‘call on’ when this is required in the timetable, the $callon command must be set which overrules the overall block. This applies to both AI and player train

In case the train is to attach to another train in the platform, calling on is automatically set.

Because of the inability of AI trains in MSTS to stop properly behind another train if ‘called on’ onto an occupied track, most signalling systems do not support ‘call on’ aspects but instead rely on the use of ‘permission requests’. AI trains cannot issue such a request, therefore in such systems $callon will not work.

In this situation, attach commands can also not work in station areas.

Note that the ‘runround’ command also requires ‘call on’ ability for the final move of the engine back to the train to attach to it. Therefore, when performed in station areas, also the runround can only work if the signalling supports ‘call on’.

Special signalling functions are available to adapt signals to function as described above, which can be used in the scripts for relevant signals in the sigscr file.

The function “TRAINHASCALLON()” will return ‘true’ if the section beyond the signal up to the next signal includes a platform where the train is booked to stop, and the train has the ‘callon’ flag set. This function will also return ‘true’ if there is no platform in the section beyond the signal.

The function “TRAINHASCALLON_RESTRICTED” returns ‘true’ in similar conditions, except that it always returns ‘false’ if there is no platform in the section beyond the signal.

Both functions must be used in combination with BLOCK_STATE = BLOCK_OCCUPIED. Wait Commands and Passing Paths

From the location where the ‘wait’ or ‘follow’ is defined, a search is made for the first common section for both trains, following on from a section where the paths are not common.

However, on single track routes with passing loops where ‘passing paths’ are defined for both trains, the main path of the trains will run over the same tracks in the passing loops and therefore no not-common sections will be found. As a result, the waiting point cannot find a location for the train to wait and therefore the procedure will not work.

If waiting points are used on single track lines, the trains must have their paths running over different tracks through the passing loop in order for the waiting points to work properly.

It is a matter of choice by the timetable creator to either pre-set passing locations using the wait commands, or let the system work out the passing locations using the passing paths. Wait Commands and Permissive Signals

The ‘wait’ and ‘follow’ commands are processed through the ‘blockstate’ of the signal control. If at the location where the train is to wait permissive signals are used, and these signals allow a ‘proceed’ aspect on blockstate JN_OBSTRUCTED, the ‘wait’ or ‘follow’ command will not work as the train will not be stopped. Running Trains Around Midnight.

A timetable can be defined for a full 24 hour day, and so would include trains running around midnight.

The following rules apply for the player train:

  • Train booked to start before midnight will be started at the end of the day, but will continue to run if terminating after midnight.

  • Trains formed out of other trains starting before midnight will NOT be started if the incoming train is delayed and as a result the start time is moved after midnight. In this situation, the activity is aborted.

  • Trains booked to start after midnight will instead be started at the beginning of the day.

The following rules apply for AI trains :

  • Trains booked to start before midnight will be started at the end of the day, but will continue to run if terminating after midnight.

  • Trains formed out of other trains starting before midnight will still be started if the incoming train is delayed and as a result the start time is moved after midnight.

  • Trains booked to start after midnight will instead be started at the beginning of the day.

As a result of these rules, it is not really possible to run an activity around or through midnight with all required AI trains included. Viewing the Other Active Trains in the Timetable

To change the train that is shown in the external views, click <Alt+F9> to display the Train List and select the desired train from the list of active trains, or click <Alt+9> as described in Changing the View to cycle through the active trains.

11.5.7. Known Problems

  • If a #dispose command is processed for the player train , and the new train runs in the opposite direction, the reverser will ‘jump’ to the reverse state on forming that new train.

  • A run-round command defined in a #dispose command cannot yet be processed. It will be necessary to switch to Manual to perform that run-round.

  • If two trains are to be placed on a single siding using $create with /ahead qualifier, but the trains have paths in opposite directions, the trains may be placed in incorrect positions.

  • If the /binary qualifier is set for #path, but the OpenRails subdirectory in the Paths directory does not exist, the program will not be able to load any paths.

11.6. Example of a Timetable File

Here is an excerpt of a timetable file (shown in Excel):


11.7. What tools are available to develop a Timetable?

It is recommended to use a powerful stand-alone program (Excel is not required), called Timetable Editor. It is included in the OR pack, and accessed from the Tools button on the OR menu.